
Launching The New Sikh Website

Waheguru Ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji ki Fateh

It's been a long time since I posted here. I was planning on shifting my Sikhism related writing to a separate website and have finally done it. Please check out The New Sikh, the website continuing my journey from where I left it on Wake Up Khalsa. I hope you like it.

About the website

For this new website, I have adopted a little different approach from what I did on Wake Up Khalsa. Instead of just posting about history or articles that have a formal ring to them, I am going to post personal opinions on current matters and lean towards positive side of things.

Note: The website may undergo a lot of changes in upcoming days and may go down at times, please accept my apologies for the same.

Thanks for reading. Looking forward to the valuable suggestions and feedback for the new website from everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post. Please visit DHANSIKHI for gurbani quotes and sikh saakhis in many languages.
