Value Of Turban

Turban or Pag/Pagrhi/Dastar are different word for same article. They refer to the garment worn by men and women to cover their heads. It is a headdress consisting of a long scarf-like single piece of cloth wound round the head or sometimes an inner patka.

Bhai Taru Singh - The Movie

bhai taru singh movie poster

BHAI TARU SINGH, i saw this movie around an year ago, maybe various Sikhs around the world also have seen it. Why i am writing this article is because maybe many have not yet seen it. Also it's not only for Sikhs but for everyone.

Shahibzada Zorawar Singh

Mata Gujri Ji with Sahibzada Zorawar Singh and Fateh Singh
Mata Gujri Ji with Sahibzada Zorawar Singh and Sahibzada Fateh Singh 
Sahibzada Zorawar Singh was the third of Guru Gobind Singh's four sons. He and his younger brother, Sahibzada Fateh Singh are among the most hallowed martyrs in Sikhism.